In plain sight-every day, the grand wooden portals and glass doors of Milan’s residential homes are opened for pedestrians to discover. Once you step out you are met by extravagant designed walls, floors, stairs and ceilings, every entryway has its unique signature. This idea of the glorious entryways can be traced back to the 17th century where, under the Borromeo bishops, hand in hand with the status of the bourgeois, the entryways became more significant in society. The houses should be build:” bela de denter, pei padroni, brutta de foera, pei mincioni( beautiful on the inside for its owners and ugly on the outside for the fools).After the second world war the innovation of technology and the aesthetics began to change, the architecture of the city became seemingly unconscious of the pre-modern legacy it still held. But through all these transformations in design and taste one thing remained unchangeable, the ingressi - the entryways. We humans will always be drawn to a place of comfort and beauty, making the entryways of Milan timeless and historically significant.