Seven Standout Exhibitions To Help You Survive March In Milan

Keeping our promise made at the beginning of the year, we return with another Culture Dip for the month of March, in hopes of giving you some ideas on what to attend and why. A collection of 7 standout exhibitions, this month’s CD is an effort to fight Milan’s current worry, anxiety and loneliness. With citizens being flooded with information on the COVID-19 daily, and fear being spread on social media constantly, we believe it is in our hand to give you, our readers, some hope and inspiration, through our carefully curated guide. In making these suggestions, we do want to stress that the implementation of preventative measures is key in such times, and we therefore advise that activities of social be executed with due caution.

1 — “K”

When: Feb 21st 2020 - July 27th 2020
Where: Fondazione Prada, LARGO ISARCO, 2
How Much: €15 (€12 reduced)


Inspired by the three unfinished Kafka’s novels, “America”, “The Trial”, and “The Castle”, the exhibition comes from the dialogue between three artworks: an installation, a film and a music album, each one referring to one of the already mentioned existentialist books. Find more info about the exhibition here

2 — Antonio Lopez: Drawings and Photographs 

When: Jan 13th - April 12th 2020
Where: Galleria Carla Sozzani, Corso Como, 10
How Much: FREE


Fashion photographer and illustrator, whose style is based on moments, people, fashion, music and art, expressed also through the celebrities of the 1970s and 1980s. He brought important innovations in the depiction of the body in the fashion world, as well as ethnic and racial awareness. Find more info about the exhibition here

3 — Leonardo’s Atelier and the Salvator Mundi

When: Jan 24th 2020 - April 19th 2020
Where: Sforza Castel
How Much: €10


Go to Castello Sforza to admire the various anatomical studies by Leonardo Da Vinci and his pupils; all created during the preparation of his renaissance masterpiece “Salvator Mundi”. Find more info about the exhibition here

4 — ROBOT, The Human Project

When: Mar 4th 2020 - July 26th 2020
Where: Mudec Museum 
How Much: €16


This exhibition retraces the relationship between human beings and robots from first devices of ancient Greece to modern robotics using technological developments. Visitors will be able to interact with “Cobots”, robots capable of recognising and transmitting emotions. Find more info about the exhibition here

5 — Heimat, A Sense of Belonging

When: February 22th 2020 - August 2nd 2020
Where: Armani/Silos
How Much: €12


The fashion art space Armani/Silos pays tribute to the German photographer Peter Lindbergh with a selection of unpublished images highlighting his iconic style and vision of fashion and femininity. Find more info about the exhibition here

6 — MEMOS: On Fashion In This Millenium 

When: Feb 21st 2020 - May 4th 2020
Where: Poldi Pezzoli Museum
How Much: €14 (€10 reduced) 


Memos exhibition, about fashion in this millennium, is a conversation on contemporary aesthetics rendered in the form of an exhibition, where a series of clothes accompanies an anthropological-social reflection on the fashion industry. Find more info about the exhibition here

7 — Opening: Galleria Lia Rumma - William Kentridge

When: March 14th 2020
Where: Galleria Lia Rumma Milano
How Much: FREE


Kentridge’s artistic practice ventures into many fields, from engraving to shadow theatre, to drawings and animated films, sculpture and tapestries, through to productions for opera houses and large-format installations. Especially for this exhibition, William Kentridge designs places eleven newly made monumental tapestries, sketches and drawings on original documents and maps of the Kingdom of Naples and small sculptures in bronze. Find more info about the exhibition here