Not having properly returned to Antwerp in more than 8 months, this time around I was due to catch up with a lot of familiar and unfamiliar faces.
When I moved to Italy about a year ago, the first lockdown had barely ended, so upon my arrival I only received half of what I initially signed up for. As for many, being pulled out of the rat race and focussing on myself was not a great deal of fun.
Running into myself over and over again started to wear me down and after a long time I had to reach out and rely on the home front. My friends checked up on me on the regular, even if just by an occasional puppy meme. My family literally transcended boarders just to check in on the youngest scion.
But in the midst of this sob story, wearing the fastest jacket I own and battling with the sudden urge to flood my place with plants, I found friends and famiglia out in Italy too. By New Year’s Eve I was already invited into an existing family, bro’ing it down and then by March I was released. Out and about again.
As a sense of recreation during my travels and especially during the winter lockdown, I enjoyed to stroll around town, taking pictures throughout the day and by the evening posting them all in one sequence on Instagram, curating a daily mini-exhibition if you will. Very therapeutic.
But my emphasis had always been architecture, tuning car vinyl’s, weird people and weird people combined with weird canine situations.