Since visiting Amsterdam for the first time when I was 13, I always knew I wanted to live there at one point in my life. The sound of the water, the astounding architecture, its chilled atmosphere, and the great mix of people coming from all over the world always made it look like a great place to eventually relocate after my studies. When I finally moved to Amsterdam to do my exchange, I was obviously excited and ready to live the city I’ve dreamed so much about at the fullest. But then, as we all know, COVID-19 happened and made things more difficult. Despite everything, I tried to make the best out of the situation and after staying in Amsterdam for almost a year for my studies and an internship, I felt I could come up with a little guide for you guys with the best places to go and see. Hopefully it will come in handy once this pandemic is over!
Be aware that this 48-hour guide won’t be filled with those touristy spots you all know about. You won't go to the Van Gogh museum or the city centre. Real locals don't do that, ever. I’ll bring you to the places and neighbourhoods you would go to if you lived here and do things as if you were a local. Our days will be full with plenty of things to do, but don't be scared, Amsterdam has a big heart, but it’s indeed tiny and moving from one side of the city to the other doesn’t take too long. Let’s get started!