It may be easy to dismiss these practices as simple fun and the result of a very sophisticated algorithm that shows you a variety of different things you might be interested in , but I believe there is something to be said about the sudden surge in these practices and the revival of new age spirituality. As we see the trend of ‘spiritual but not religious’ people continue to grow, we start to see people being drawn to these paranormal beliefs, moving away from how the older generations seek solace in traditional organized religion. Especially now when we face so much uncertainty about the future, coupled with both economic and political turmoil, these beliefs may lead to a more tangible sense of control and a way to cope with the insecurity that arises from the increasingly complex situations we find ourselves in.
New Age is the name given to a range of spiritual beliefs and practices that originated during the 1970s and continued to grow rapidly through the 80s and 90s, while ultimately becoming widely rejected in the 21st century. It is highly eclectic in nature and a variety of practices fall under this umbrella term, including the belief in astrological cycles, psychics, healing and alternative medicine, and the individual as the principal source of authority on spiritual matters. Regardless of its storied history, the advent of the internet and its unlimited access to new information has seen its practices dissected and disseminated and sprinkled with modern sensibilities. Anyone with access to a copy of “The Secret” -- A wildly popular self-help book of the early 2000s based on the belief in the law of attraction-- can start posting online about manifestation and tips on how to make all of your wildest dreams come true. There is as much misinformation as there is truly helpful advice to anyone seeking to understand more about these practices, depending on your level of interest and your desire to delve into the ‘occult’. This can range from a belief in general spirituality, to having an interest in meditation and astrology, to practicing Wicca, to being a full-blown witch.