Turning to Mural Art: Can We Seek Artistic Value Outside of Prestigious Art Fairs?


Unlike classic paintings, which require precision and vivid reflection of reality, contemporary art does not have officialized standards to define itself as “good art”. This lack of standards is creating problems in the current art world. In Art Basel 2019, a banana that was taped to the wall was the most talked-about art piece and was priced at $120,000. This was a clear example of a venue creating its value. Without this prestigious venue of Art Basel- the biggest commercial art fair, this artwork would have been nothing but a joke. Can something be considered art if it cannot stand alone without the venue? Even the ending of Banana was vain as its origin: it was eaten.

So many worthless art pieces are disguised in the name of contemporary art and are talked about, and get unjustified attention. Nowadays, as long as these numerous art pieces are decorated in a prestigious venue or name of the artist, anything goes. Although at a glance, the artwork seems to show no further depth, the viewers will concoct a value or a meaning if they have been told that it is in a famous art fair or it has been done by a famous artist. Can we no longer judge the value of art as it is without its surroundings? That’s why we should turn to Mural art. It is the oldest form of art that continued since the paleolithic age.  Mural art is for the general public, people who pass by the street.


Mural art does not require artistic training to understand the artist’s intention. For instance, more than lengthy English texts about the proletariat revolution, mural art in the street where it was open for the mass to see was much more effective to send the message. In the case of Diego Rivera, one of the three big Mexican muralists painted about the working class and where the Mexican public should be headed after the Mexican revolution in the 1920s. The mural above is “Man, Controller of the Universe”. It shows a man in the center and an omnipotent hand which seems to be in control of background paintings that represent different industries and studies: agriculture, biology, politics, and mechanics. This mural gave the Mexican public a sense of goal and responsibility for what they must make in the upcoming future of Mexico after the revolution. This and many of Rivera’s other mural art was able to move the mass to agree with the administration after the revolution.  Even in entirely different forms of art, entertaining movies cannot possibly be compared its value to a movie that carries a clear message and inspires people.

Mural art has a function and a message, which is what makes the art valuable no matter where it is or who did it. Banksy is unarguably the most famous street painter in the world, yet anything about him is known other than the fact that he is based in England. His paintings are on the back of a shop or an alley where many people to see and his paintings always have a clear message, often politically- charged.  In 2016, Banksy’s Les Miserables inspired piece appeared near the French embassy in London. It presented a young Cosette crying because of CS gas. In the left bottom corner, Banksy also printed QR code, which allowed people to see footage of French law enforcement firing tear gas at refugees in Calais, France. Banksy wanted to raise awareness of what had happened in a refugee camp in Calais to raise awareness, criticize and most importantly report to the global audience what an injustice occurred in Calais. He utilized icon of Les Miserables poster, Cosette and French flag fluttering in the background to signify French injustice.


Despite the overall shabby setting-construction site in the middle of the city, the setting does not undermine nor enhance the work in no means.  In a broader context, the message of the piece is that we need to stop the hatred and discrimination and crying young Cosette due to the tear gas invoke a sense of sadness and rage from the viewers of what has happened to the refugee who is helpless population just as Cosette. When art is capable of sending clear messages, invoking feelings, and having a function, only then the art can be deemed as valuable independent from its venue and the artist. In this sense mural art, street art stands out in the current red ocean of contemporary art.