11 Cultural Activities To Keep You Company On July's Hot Summer Days

I wish this summer was like every other, and I could start this article by saying that it rolled around without us even realising. But as we all know, 2020 is different. Whether your country still has restrictive measures in place or things have loosened up and your protection is now in your hands, it is an undeniable fact that for many (if not most) this summer will involve a lot less traveling and a lot more worrying. And even if you’re one of the lucky ones, those who get to still enjoy summer strolls, vitamin D, sea-salt on their skin and cold Aperol spritz on the beach, engaging in cultural activities is still a must in order to feel sane.

Continuing on a digital format, our July Culture Dip includes 11 activities for you to enjoy whenever you feel like you need a dose of culture to spice up your summer activities. Read through our list, pick your favourites and add them to your calendar!


Where: Instagram
How Much: Free

Covid Room is a digital hub founded and managed by young creatives in quarantine with the aim of supporting collaboration and “fighting with every muscle against boredom”, as the manifesto states. On their Instagram page you’ll find all the kinds of creative inputs you need in these days of social distancing, spacing from fresh digital artists and designers to groovy electronic DJs and producers. Visit the project here

2 — Cooking Nino Style

Where: Instagram 
How Much: FREE

Looking for delicious, easy to make, Italian recipes? This is the place for you. Nino Asaro, Sicilian food connoisseur living in New York, offers a variety of constantly updated recipes on his instagram page, with step by step instructions and fresh Italian ingredients. Don’t forget to MANTECARE! Find Nino’s profile here


Where: https://en.unitedwestream.berlin/
How Much: FREE

Berlin’s identity is closely related to its vivid nightlife and wide music culture. As a reaction to the closing of all Berlin’s night clubs and in support with many local artists (through donations), the streaming platform “United We Stream” has been created in alliance with ARTE Concert. The replays of your favorite artists are available on its website, performing on scenes from over 65 cities around the world.


When: July 14th-17th 2020
Where: cameramoda.it
How much: FREE

Milan Fashion Week will be happening in a new digital format, intended to unite Italian fashion designers and promote their messages across virtual platforms. “The idea of this digital Fashion Week is to have something a bit different from a normal Fashion Week. It’s something we thought of specially for the digital world,” Carlo Capasa, the president of the Camera della Moda, tells Vogue. The week, postponed from MFW’s traditional spot mid-June, is open to menswear and womenswear designers who wish to present both pre- and main season collections. Find more info here

5 — Dada and Surrealism: Europe After the Rain

Where: Youtube 
How Much: FREE

This 1978 documentary takes a rousing look at the distinctly avant-garde movements of Dada and Surrealism, exploring their roots in the chaos caused by World War One and their pioneers’ revolutionary search for sense in nonsense. Available to watch on YouTube in full, it plunges viewers into the weird and wonderful worlds of André Breton, the so-called ‘Pope of Surrealism’ and the “inspired gang of artists, lunatics and writers” he mobilised – in the words of director Mick Gold. This includes Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst (who feature in amazing BBC interview footage) as well as Salvador Dalí, Yves Tanguy, Antonin Artaud, René Magritte and many more – although, it must be said, the women involved in both movements are woefully overlooked.

6 — Mapplethorpe: Look At The Pictures

Where: HBO
How Much: Free with HBO Subscription

In 1989, months after the death of Robert Mapplethorpe, the National Endowment for the Arts put on an exhibition featuring some of the outré American image-maker’s work. Outraged, Senator Jesse Helms took to the floor of the United States Senate to protest the inclusion of “a known homosexual who died of Aids”. He implored his audience to “look at the pictures!” – a phrase that Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato co-opted for their 2016 documentary on the photographer. The film tracks Mapplethorpe’s career chronologically, from his early days as a New York scenester, making arresting portraits of musicians, artists, porn stars and the S&M community, to his later, more refined foray into studio photography. Aptly, the pictures themselves take centre stage, proving just as potent and attention-grabbing some 30 years on.

7 — Creatives at Work

Where: @folchstudio
How much: FREE

Barcelona based transmedia and branding agency Folch has extended its quarantine live streaming of interviews, sessions and discussions with internationally-based creative personalities. Follow their IG page to stay up to date with the day and time of the weekly sessions of Creatives at Work.

8 — Artificial Things 

Where: Youtube 
How much: FREE

An award-winning inclusive contemporary dance film directed by Sophie Fiennes and performed by the StopGap Dance Company. Originally a stage production, this film explores human interdependence and vulnerability through interactions in an abandoned suburban shopping mall.

9 — The Criterion Collection

Where: criterion.com
How much: 10.99USD monthly / 99.99 USD annually

Film aficionados this one's for you. Watch important classic and contemporary film from the comfort of your home. Restored films, commentary tracks, supplemental features are here to deepen your love for the art of cinema.

10 — National Theatre at Home

Where: National Theatre Website
How Much: FREE

Enjoy a world-class theatre online! The London-based theatre, National Theatre, has decided to go digital during the Corvid Pandemic. While they are physically closed, we can still access sold-out productions through their youtube channel for limited amounts of time. Head to their website to see what will be showing for the month of July!

11 — CulturALL: Abu Dhabi Culture

Where: https://abudhabiculture.ae/culturall/
How Much: FREE

Explore and discover Abu Dhabi’s world of art and heritage at the Abu Dhabi Culture platform, CulturALL. Here you can access plenty of brightly-packaged information about Arab art including virtual tours of art centres, interviews with artists and live streams of concerts!