Summer 2020 by Evdokia Labropoulou

I’m Evdokia, I’m Greek, and this summer felt numb

“My name is Evdokia Labropoulou, I’m 21 and I live and study in Athens, Greece. It’s weird to say I’m studying, as last time I stepped foot at my uni was last winter (around February) but I guess that’s how most things feel right now. Last time I partied, last time I saw elderly men fight for the only seat left at a full bus, last time I hugged and kissed and exchanged sweat without concerns. It all feels extremely distant. And it kind of is. 

This is how the summer of 2020 went for me as well. 

During July and August I went on vacation with my parents and a short trip to a Greek island with my best friend. But no matter how familiar and warm the Greek summer might have always been to me, and even though the sea was the same and the road trip turns that always make me wanna vomit were also the absolute same, my mood, money and never-ending overthinking weren’t. And that’s what made this summer feel numb and rushed. 

Now as I run through it my developed film photos I can’t help but wonder if my perception of this past summer is a rough result of daily sad headlines and worldwide health care chaos. If it is a collection of memories that I self-destructively chose to distort in order to keep at pace with the international downfall. 

And it may be that, as in this pictures I look kinda happy.”  

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