Exhibitions and Events This Month Worth Leaving the House For


1. Picasso Exhibition  - from October 18th 2018 to February 17th 2019, Palazzo Reale Milano

A must-see. The exhibition, held in Milan from October 18th is devoted to the multifaceted and fruitful relationship the Spanish genius entertained with myth and antiquity throughout his remarkable career, and it aims to explore his intense and complex creative process from this particular perspective. After a series of Picasso exhibitions in Milan, the focus of  this one is on the various expressions of antiquity to be found in the mythologies reinvented by Picasso and illustrated in six sections through the juxtaposition of works by the great artist and ancient ones – pottery, statues, votive plaques, reliefs, idols, and stelae – that have inspired and deeply influenced him. The exhibition Picasso Metamorphosis therefore, aims to delve into the intimate workshop of a world-class artist in the light of the ancient sources that have inspired his work. But it also aims to reveal the underlying mechanisms of a unique alchemy that set antiquity at the heart of modernity, and which proved crucial for 20th-century art.buy your TICKETS here:http://www.palazzorealemilano.it/wps/portal/luogo/palazzoreale/visita/bigliettiprenotazioni


2. Paul Klee Exhibition - from October 31st 2018 to March 3rd 2019, MUDEC

Paul Klee in Milan;  Alle origini dell’arte (Paul Klee. At the Origins of Art), curated by Michele Dantini and Raffaella Resch, will be hosted by the MUDEC in Milan from 31 October 2018. It features a wide selection of Klee's works on the theme of “primitivism” and offers an original reassessment of this concept, which in Klee embraces pre-classical periods of Western art (like that of Pharaonic Egypt); epochs previously considered "barbaric" or decadent, such as those of Late Antique, Early Christian, Coptic and early medieval art; and lastly African, Oceanic and Amerindian art. The exhibition is divided into sections illustrating this process of artistic formation. From the caricature to the period in which Klee describes himself also as a “cosmic illustrator”, and an "epigraphic" primitivism featured, not coincidentally, in the section entitled "invented alphabets and hieroglyphics". Another section is devoted to the puppet theatre that Klee built for his son Felix, which evidences his interest in children's expressiveness and hence in the primordial origins of art which Klee, in keeping with his times, believed should be sought in the artistic expressions of certain populations of ethnographic interest.buy your TICKETS here: http://www.ticket24ore.it/ita/tour/paul-klee-alle-origini-dell-arte/165


3. The Art of Banksy a Milano - from November 20th 2018 to March 24th 2019, MUDEC

Banksy, the British artist and writer whose identity is still unknown, is considered one of the leading exponents of contemporary street art. His works are often satirical and deal with universal themes such as politics, culture and ethics. The aura of mystery that, from choice and out of necessity, is perpetuated whenever Banksy is mentioned has turned him into a mythical figure of our times. His visual protest engages with an enormous and heterogeneous public and makes him one of the best-loved artists among the younger generations. “The Art of Banksy. A visual protest”, at MUDEC from 21 November 2018, curated by Gianni Mercurio, unites under one roof for the first time more than 70 works, including paintings, sculptures and prints by the artist, accompanied by objects, photographs and video, to take a retrospective look at the work and philosophy of Banksy.The exhibition has not been authorised by the artist!(He has never authorised any of the exhibitions featuring his works) buy your TICKETS here: http://www.ticket24ore.it/ita/tour/the-art-of-banksy/166


4. Artissima Fair - November 2nd to 4th 2018, Torino (celebrating 25years!) 

Artissima is Italy’s most important contemporary art fair, held in Turin. Since its establishment in 1994, it has combined the presence of an international market with a focus on experimentation and research. Nearly two hundred galleries from around the world participate every year. In addition to the fair, Artissima is also composed of four art sections, headed by a board of international curators and museum directors, devoted to emerging artists, drawings and rediscovering the great pioneers of contemporary art, and to the sound projects (new section).find fair programme here:https://www.artissima.art/en/fair-programme/


5. Vogue Photo Festival - from November 15th to 18th 2018 - BASE MILANO & Palazzo Reale  

The Photo Vogue Festival is back in Milan for another year. Between the 15th and 18th of November 2018, Milan will host the third edition of the festival which, in its first two years, has established itself nationally and internationally as a key event for the promotion of photography culture and as a platform for discussion of critical topics, such as the power of the female gaze in the arts (The Female Gaze, 2016) and the political significance of fashion imagery (Fashion and Politics, 2017).This year will focus on continuing the conversation about the role played by photography, and especially fashion photography, in representing and analysing our contemporary society: a study that is very much part of the DNA of Vogue Italia since it was established. Today, more than ever, fashion photography cannot be considered an ephemeral aesthetic expression: with the rise of Instagram, Pinterest and fashion blogs, it has transformed into one of the dominant visual languages of our time; a powerful language capable of shaping the vision of who we are and who we could be. On the basis of such considerations, for the third edition of the festival, the spotlight will be directed  on the limits and the endless possibilities that we impose on our gaze when we interpret images and on the numerous meanings such images are able to convey.more information here:https://www.vogue.it/en/photo-vogue-festival/2018/06/14/the-third-edition-of-photo-vogue-festival-2018/


6. LongTake presenta – Il cinema asiatico contemporaneo - November 17th & 18th , BASE MILANO

[FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION IS IN ITALIAN SINCE THE WORKSHOP IS HELD IN ITALIAN]Due giornate interamente dedicate al cinema asiatico contemporaneo.La prima per scoprire le cinematografie e le nazioni principali che hanno dato vita a importanti novità estetiche e narrative nel nuovo millennio: dalla Corea del Sud alle Filippine, passando per Hong Kong, Giappone, Cina e Thailandia alla scoperta dei massimi autori asiatici e dei loro capolavori.La seconda dedicata invece all’animazione, con particolare riferimento a Hayao Miyazaki e allo Studio Ghibli.Tenuto dal direttore di LongTake Andrea Chimento e da Davide Stanzione, critico della Redazione di LongTake, il workshop è pensato per gli amanti del cinema asiatico, ma anche per chi voglia approfondire la conoscenza di una delle cinematografie più rilevanti della storia del cinema.Al termine del secondo incontro, ogni partecipante potrà̀ elaborare un testo su un elemento emblematico del cinema asiatico contemporaneo (una sequenza, un brano musicale, un dialogo, un fotogramma): le analisi più meritevoli verranno pubblicate sul blog di LongTake.buy your TICKETS here:https://goo.gl/DEoSZ8
more info here:

LIFE & CULTUREIra Tassouli